
In Java, String may relate to two different things :

  1. Object 
    • Special treatment is given to String in Java as it is treated as an Object.
    • Objects that are backed internally by a char array.
    • There are two ways to create a string object :
    • By string literal
      • If means special treatment is asked. JVM will search for an object that contains a hello string; if found, it will use its reference, i.e., its address will be assigned to g; if not found, a new object with a hello string will be created.
      • E.g. : String g = “hello”;
    • By new keyword
      • If means no special treatment is asked. So JVM doesn’t apply a search, but definitely, a new object will be created with a hello string in it.
      • E.g. : String g = new String(“hello”);
  2. String class
    • A string is a class, and it contains several built-in methods and properties.
    • It is used to create and manipulate strings or, let’s say, string objects.
    • All string literals in Java are implemented as instances of this class.
    • The class includes methods like compare(), concat(), equals(), split(), length(), replace(), compareTo(), intern(), substring() etc.
    • E.g. : String g = new String(“hello”);

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